The Malan School of Love is an in depth program for personal transformation. The goal is to “become Love” through education and practical application in daily practice. By becoming Love, we transform ourselves and our relationships into true happiness.
Love is the one thing that all humans universally seek. Without it, our lives are empty and meaningless. Ironically, most of us receive very little, or no training at all in how a healthy relationship works. Consequently, we often flounder and fail in our attempts to find a loving, fulfilling life. Genuine Love takes knowledge and skill.
The Malan School of Love was founded in 2017 by Dr. Mark Malan as a remedy to this dilemma. Our comprehensive program is both academic and experiential.
We learn the attributes and skills of Love, and through experiential practice, we integrate them into our daily lives and relationships.
As students, we study with the very best teachers, those who have researched, written and lectured about love in all of its many aspects. The many types of love (compassionate, romantic, erotic, altruistic, brotherly, parental, friendly, etc.) are studied historically from the earliest civilizations to the present and across many cultures. We visit many lands, ancient and modern. We investigate how love inspires music, art, literature, poetry, and fashion; we learn the psychology, biology, and sociology of love. We learn the practical emotional and behavioral attributes of real love, and how to develop them within ourselves through study and application using experiential labs. Labs are designed to awaken your heart/mind to Love; to overcome shame, develop mental independence from
anxiety, and end self-sabotage. Interpersonal labs teach healthy communication and invite you to develop healthy sexual awareness and skills. We practice
mindfulness, learn meditation, and develop deep inner awareness that leads to personal transformation. Becoming Love is the path to enlightenment that bears the fruit of a happy life.
If this sounds like what you have always wanted and have been searching for, you have arrived at the right place. Malan School of Love is a genuinely advanced and
comprehensive life resource that will transform you. With true personal commitment to personal growth, and real effort, you can create the life you want and experience real love within yourself and deeply with others.
Malan School of Love offers two different programs to students. Both study the same curriculum materials and lectures, and use experiential transformational labs.
This program is for students whose goal is simply personal transformation. Reading and lecture materials are used to learn all about love and labs allow for the practice needed to integrate the knowledge into your daily life. It follows the Malan School of Love curriculum but includes the option of customized learning geared toward your personality and learning style.
Malan School of Love prepares graduates for a professional career as a certified Master of Love & Relationship Education. In addition to personal transformational learning and experiential labs, students demonstrate competence through writing assignments that follow each reading and keeping lab notes on their transformational progress. A final paper describing your personal transformation process is required as a summary of your research, learning and labs. Graduates go on to establishing a private practice or working as writers, teachers, and social influences for cultural transformation. Mentorship is available to help graduates pursue their career goals.
Applicants are reviewed by Dr. Mark Malan. If you are ready, or if you have questions, call him for a personal conversation about curriculum and tuition details. Discover how the Malan School of Love can transform you and your life.